Next Time You Drink Tea, Listen to This

tea ritual, drinking playlist, mindfulness practice

The hot water has just finished boiling, and you just opened your favorite tea. The soothing smell of fresh tea leaves wafts up to your nose, putting you at ease just from the scent. You grab your beloved teacup or handy mug, and the ritual begins. Pour, steep, stir, sip. The warm, healing brew captures your tastebuds and warms your insides as you enjoy your first (or last) cup of tea of the day.

If that image feels like home to you, then you’re a tea lover just like us. There is a certain energy around drinking tea, and pairing music with your tea ritual can enhance that energy. Music and tea actually have many things in common. They are both created with love, come in unique flavors, and can move the mind and spirit in different ways. Combining the proper tea with the right song can enhance your mood.

So, the next time you reach for a cup of tea, listen to this.

Green Tea

Green tea packs an exquisite array of flavors plus a high caffeine dose, making for a perfect wake-up-call in the early mornings. Its characteristic green color and earthy taste feel clean, refreshing, and energizing. We recommend sipping a cup of green tea while listening to new age nature sounds, symphonic sounds, or even music heavily influenced by the flute.

White Tea

White tea is best enjoyed in the afternoons or early evenings, when it’s finally time to wind down from the day. The white, pale-green color of this type of tea carries a subtle fragrance and a light, nutty, mild taste. As a very “cleansing” tea, we recommend gentle tunes like piano, harp, acoustic guitar, or “fairytale” music.

Black Tea

Black tea is an excellent addition to your morning breakfast or go-to lunch. It contains caffeine to jumpstart your day, and it also aids digestion. This type of tea has a rather strong flavor compared to other teas like green or white. Its rich, leathery, smoky aroma pairs well with songs that bring drama. Listen to deep drum beats, dramatic symphony songs, or jazz.

Floral Tea

Floral tea is bright, vibrant, and feels light to the soul and tastebuds. Any tea that contains flowers falls into this category, and as such feels like drinking poetry. Pour a cup of jasmine or hibiscus tea and turn on lighthearted atmospheric songs that trick the mind into thinking it's spring again.

Do You Have a Tea Drinking Playlist?

The song suggestions above are simply suggestions. The types of music you choose to complement your tea sessions are up to you. Each song should be a unique expression of how you experience tea and what moments you want to cultivate.

If you are an avid tea drinker, we recommend making a playlist for yourself full of music that creates an entire ambiance. We even made a song about tea just for you, over on YouTube and Soundcloud. See if it matches your vibe. What do you like to listen to the most while drinking a nice cup of tea?

The statements in this post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

About Tea and I:  Tea and I is a wellness tea brand for tea lovers who want to feel their absolute best. Our tea is fortified with nothing but the finest all-natural herbs and ingredients, as it should be. Whether you want to feel healthier, be more energetic, or boost your immune system, we have a tea to fit your lifestyle. Add a cup of wellness to your daily routine so that you can be—and look like—a healthier, happier you.

Click here to shop today!


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