5 Ways to Reinvent Your Spice Revival Tea Blend

Best tea for detox, digestion, colon cleanse

With the help of social media, detox teas have developed a reputation as a weight loss quick fix and nothing else, which overshadows the many benefits they have to offer. We do not make weight loss claims and we never will. That’s not our style. Our tea is formulated to reduce bloating, aid in digestion, and revitalize the body.

Whatever your reasons, if you drink our Spice Revival – or any herbal tea for that matter – you’re often looking for something to spice it up.

From the non-tea drinkers I know, I hear similar complaints:

“Tea is so boring.”

“Drinking tea is like drinking hot water. No taste.”

“There’s no way to make tea taste as good as coffee.”

That’s why we’ve come up with 6 ways you can change up your detox tea so that you keep drinking it and seeing results. Whether you’re a fan of fruity, tangy, or spicy, we’ve got some great options for you to try.

Recipe #1: Cinnamon Latte

Our Spice Revival tea already has cinnamon and cloves in it, so we’re going to take advantage of one of the world’s favorite spices and turn our tea into a latte. Simple brew your detox tea as normal (3 – 5 minutes steeping time), and add it to a bowl. Add ¼ cup of your preferred milk and whisk as fast as you can until the mixture develops a milky foam. Then transfer to your cup, add a sprinkle of cinnamon, and enjoy. 

Recipe #2: Lemonade

Don’t wait until life gives you lemons to try this refreshing iced drink (sorry, couldn’t resist!). Simply steep our Spice Revival tea for 10 minutes so that it’s a little stronger than you would drink it normally. Then add 1.5 cups of ice to your glass and ¾ cup of lemon juice. Stir and serve. 

Recipe #3: Pineapple Cooler

This recipe is a summer classic that adds a refreshing twist to your detox tea. Brew as normal (3 – 5 minutes steeping time) and allow it to cool. In a glass, combine 1 cup of ice, the juice of a lemon (2 – 3 tbsp), the juice of an orange (2 – 3 tbsp), 2 tbsp of your preferred natural sweetener, and 5-6 chunks of pineapple. Then pour in your cooled tea brew, give it all a stir, and get to sipping. 

Recipe #4: Peppermint:

Want to add a little freshness to your tea? Order some peppermint leaves and pop a few (2-3) in your tea as it steeps. Remove the leaves and tea bag and garnish with a couple of fresh leaves as it cools. 

Recipe #5 Cocoa:

If you’re looking for something to hit your sweet tooth, and fruit just isn’t cutting it, try adding 2 tsp of cocoa and a little natural sweetener to your tea when it’s finished steeping. Remember to stir well. If you like it, you can always add more cocoa.

If you’ve made your way here without trying our Spice Revival tea, you’ve got to try it. It contains everything you need to get your body back on track: green tea, ginger, hibiscus, rooibos, nutmeg, and other amazing ingredients. Once you’ve tried some of these tweaks to your tea, share your creations on Instagram and tag us!



The statements in this post have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 

About Tea and I:  Tea and I is a wellness tea brand for tea lovers who want to feel their absolute best. Our tea is fortified with nothing but the finest all-natural herbs and ingredients, as it should be. Whether you want to feel healthier, be more energetic, or boost your immune system, we have a tea to fit your lifestyle. Add a cup of wellness to your daily routine so that you can be—and look like—a healthier, happier you.

Click here to shop today!



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